dimanche 29 juillet 2007

old proverb number thirty three

"Elvis is not well,
but Oscar Wilde is dead"
-old proverb

mardi 24 juillet 2007

old proverb number thirty-two

"It is foolish to buy
a vacuum equiped with
a head in any other form
than a triangle"
-old proverb

dimanche 22 juillet 2007

old proverb number thirty

"people are dickheads"
- old proverb

jeudi 19 juillet 2007

old proverb number twenty-nine

old proverb number twenty-eight

"For la vida loca
or an after-work drink
when dancing salsa or polka
you're the common link"
-old proverb

mercredi 18 juillet 2007

old proverb number twenty-seven

"If you were a normal mother,
my life would be a lot better"
- old proverb

old proverb number twenty -six

"you've entallened yourself"
- old proverb

old proverb number twenty-five

" if you have a stomach,
peppermint tea is good for soothing it"
- old proverb

old proverb number twenty-four

"if your lecturers call your method:
a dubiuos and doubtful process,
you know you're on to a winner"
- old proverb

lundi 16 juillet 2007

old proverb number twenty-three

"Using your hands to carry something
should be an instinct,
not an afterthought."
-old proverb

vendredi 13 juillet 2007

old proverb number twenty-two

"There's time enough for all things,
but mothers-in-law are last on the list"
- old proverb

jeudi 12 juillet 2007

old proverb number twenty-one

"Me: Commander-in-Chief
You: Listen"
-old proverb

(submitted by miss stacey)

old proverb number twenty

"Change must be restricted to
denominations under a dollar"
-old proverb

mercredi 11 juillet 2007

old proverb number nineteen

That's why we don't call them
Love: Part II"
- old proverb

old proverb number eighteen

"It's not you, it's me"
- old proverb

old proverb number seventeen

"There is no natural selection
for the emotionally retarded"
- old proverb

old proverb number sixteen

"Like sands through the hour glass,
these are the days of our lives"
-old proverb

mardi 10 juillet 2007

old proverb number fifteen

"He who walks with a sack of feathers
will have difficulty finding his keys"
-old proverb

old proverb number fourteen

crêpe !"
- old proverb

lundi 9 juillet 2007

old proverb number thirteen

"When you have streap throat,
you need liberal doses of streap teas"
- old proverb

old proverb number twelve

"One man's yam crawl,

is another man's clusterfuck"

- old proverb

old proverb number eleven

"I'm not picking up
what you're putting down"
- old proverb

vendredi 6 juillet 2007

jeudi 5 juillet 2007

old proverb number nine

"People who speak in the proverbial,
need a kick in the proverbial"
- old proverb

old proverb number eight

"There's been so many last straws,
the haystack is exhausted"
- old proverb

old proverb number seven

"Bustin' makes one feel good"
-old proverb

old proverb number six

"24 hours of mental health
just isn't enough these days"
-old proverb

mercredi 4 juillet 2007

old proverb number five

old proverb number four

"Yankee Doodle don't care"
-old proverb

old proverb number three

"Some people are like Lenin,
they're just assholes"
-old proverb

old proverb number two

"Just because you can chew and swallow it
doesn't mean you should"
-old proverb

old proverb number one

"In America, we fry our potatoes for fun-
not because we're starving"
-old proverb